OISAA Journal of Indonesia Emas https://ejournal.ppi.id/index.php/oisaa <p><strong>OISAA Journal of Indonesia Emas</strong> is published by Perhimpunan Pelajar Indonesia Dunia (PPID) which publishes 2 times a year since 2018 (January and June). <strong>OISAA Journal of Indonesia Emas</strong>&nbsp;is an open-access peer-reviewed journal that mediates the dissemination of academicians, researchers, and practitioners in many aspects of Indonesia.&nbsp;<strong>OISAA Journal of Indonesia Emas</strong>&nbsp;accepts submissions from all over the world, especially from Indonesia. <strong>OISAA Journal of Indonesia Emas</strong> aims to provide a forum for national and international academicians, researchers, and practitioners on the field that related to Indonesian in many aspects to publishing the original articles. All accepted articles will be published and will be freely available to all readers with worldwide visibility and coverage. The scope of<strong>&nbsp;OISAA Journal of Indonesia Emas&nbsp;</strong>is&nbsp;<strong>specific topics issues&nbsp;</strong>related to Indonesia such as social, law, economics, science, and technological aspects. All articles submitted to this journal can be written in<strong>&nbsp;English and Indonesian Language</strong>.</p> OISAA en-US OISAA Journal of Indonesia Emas 2615-675X THE EFFECT OF FERMENTATION TIME TO BIOGAS PRODUCTION FROM COW DUNG AND SOUR WATER https://ejournal.ppi.id/index.php/oisaa/article/view/132 <p>Liquid waste can cause environmental pollution. Therefore, industrial wastewater must be treated properly so as not to exceed the quality standard limits set by the government. One type of liquid waste is sour water from Pertamina RU III. In addition to waste problems, fossil energy reserves are increasingly depleting so that they require renewable energy reserves, one of which is biogas to produce methane gas. This research will analyze the effect of fermentation time on the quality and quantity of biogas obtained. The quantity of biogas includes the volume of gas produced, while the quality of biogas includes the content of methane gas, pH, CaCO3, total solid, and volatile solid. Biogas has 4 process stages, including hydrolysis, acidogenesis, acetogenesis, and methanogenesis. From this study it was concluded that the longer the fermentation time, the gas volume, methane content, and carbon dioxide content increased, microbial activity in this study only reached its peak phase on day 50, so it had not yet reached the decline or death phase. The hydrolysis stage took place on days 0-10, the acidogenesis stage took place on days 10-20, the acetogenesis stage took place on days 20-30, and the methanogenesis stage took place on days 30-50.</p> Fithra Malvarinda Muhammad Arief Karim Mardwita Mardwita Copyright (c) 2023 OISAA Journal of Indonesia Emas 2023-02-05 2023-02-05 6 1 20 32 10.52162/jie.2023.006.01.3 DOES THE COMPETITIVENESS REALLY AFFECT THE SMES FIRM PERFORMANCE? https://ejournal.ppi.id/index.php/oisaa/article/view/128 <p>Competitiveness factors are important for the performance of small and medium enterprises (SMEs) not only in advanced countries but also in emerging economies. This study aims to investigate the impact of SMEs competitiveness factors on firm performance in Indonesia context through a quantitative analysis approach by applying structural equation model (SEM) path analysis. The result shows a significant causal relationship between the variables in Indonesian SMEs.</p> Muhammad Masyhuri Copyright (c) 2023 OISAA Journal of Indonesia Emas 2023-01-31 2023-01-31 6 1 1 11 10.52162/jie.2023.006.01.1 COMPARISON OF EFFECT RGEC ON THE PERFORMANCE BEFORE AND AFTER MERGER AS BANK SYARIAH INDONESIA https://ejournal.ppi.id/index.php/oisaa/article/view/129 <p>The merger of major Islamic banks in Indonesia such as Bank Nasional Indonesia Syariah (BNIS), Bank Rakyat Indonesia Syariah (BRIS) and Bank Syariah Mandiri (BSM) have highlighted the Islamic banking sector around the world. For three years, Indonesia's three largest Islamic banks have merged. The purpose of this study was to measure and test the impact of the implementation of RGEC (Risk Profile, Good Corporate Governance, Earning, and Capital)&nbsp; on earnings growth of those three islamic banks before and after the merger into Bank Syariah Indonesia (PT. BSI Tbk). This research used PT BSI Tbk's year-end data and used panel data regression in testing RGEC factor for growth profit on financial performance of Indonesian Islamic banks from 2019 to 2020. Quantitative analysis methods based on documentation and literature collection was used for this research. In addition, researcher used Eviews 10 to analyse data. The findings of this study indicate that the merger resulted in a significant increase in performance. Thus, ROA has significant influence to PG.</p> Bella Jastacia Copyright (c) 2023 OISAA Journal of Indonesia Emas 2023-01-31 2023-01-31 6 1 12 19 10.52162/jie.2023.006.01.2 BECAUSE A MAN IS JUST A BONUS: A QUALITATIVE STUDY ON WOMEN WHO DECIDE NOT TO MARRY https://ejournal.ppi.id/index.php/oisaa/article/view/134 <p>Indonesia is a collectivist country that adopts their traditional law called <em>adat</em> as part of their system besides constitution and Islamic law. Adat has sets of rules for marriage and much of the time, Indonesian are confirmed to the rule. But the survey shows that there is evidence of a woman who decided not to get married despite <em>adat</em> rules. Thus, this study explores the reason women who decided to not marry using a phenomenological approach to capture their experience leads to the decision. The study found that family is the main reason for their decision. They experience their parents' divorce and demanding family whose follow <em>adat</em> rule and suppress them to marry. Therefore, both participants decided marriage is not for everyone and not the only source of happiness.</p> Valendra Granitha Shandika Puri Fakhirah Inayaturrobbani Noor Amaliah Puteri Copyright (c) 2023 OISAA Journal of Indonesia Emas 2023-01-31 2023-01-31 6 1 33 40 10.52162/jie.2023.006.01.4 PENGARUH LABOR MIGRATION TERHADAP KESEJAHTERAAN MIGRAN https://ejournal.ppi.id/index.php/oisaa/article/view/135 <p>Migrasi merupakah salah satu cara yang dilakukan untuk memperoleh pekerjaan yang lebih baik sehingga akan berpengaruh terhadap peningkatan kesejahteraan karena adanya perbaikan pekerjaan dan tingkat pendapatan. Paper ini bertujuan untuk melakukan analisis pengaruh <em>labor migration</em> kesejahteraan subjektif migran di Indonesia dengan menggunakan data IFLS tahun 2014. Dengan menggunakan metode analisis <em>ordered logistic regression</em>, hasil menunjukkan bahwa kesejahteraan migran yang melakukan migrasi karena pekerjaan tidak jauh berbeda dengan migran yang melakukan migrasi karena alasan selain pekerjaan. Temuan lain yang cukup menarik bahwa migran laki-laki dan migran yang lebih terdidik akan merasa lebih puas dengan kehidupannya saat ini (setelah migrasi), dibandingkan dengan migran perempuan dan migran dengan tingkat pendidikan yang lebih rendah.</p> Shelby Devianty Widodo Copyright (c) 2023 OISAA Journal of Indonesia Emas 2023-01-31 2023-01-31 6 1 41 48 10.52162/jie.2023.006.01.5 THE ROLE OF INDONESIA'S FOREIGN POLICY AS A RESOLUTION OF NON-LEGAL CONFLICT IN THE ASEAN REGION: THE HUMANITARIAN CRISIS IN MYANMAR https://ejournal.ppi.id/index.php/oisaa/article/view/139 <p class="AbstractText" style="text-indent: 14.7pt; margin: 0cm 21.25pt 0cm 21.3pt;">The problem of humanitarian crisis is a serious problem that must finally be resolved as soon as possible and in the best possible way. This paper aims to explain how the role of the Government of Indonesia in solving humanitarian problems between the Government of Myanmar and Rohingya society that occur throughout the world, especially in the Southeast Asia region. By using an international legal approach as well as the practice of mediation and negotiation, this paper tries to reveal the role of Indonesia and its foreign policy towards stability and struggle in solving problems in Myanmar. This paper argues that what Indonesia has done has had a good impact on the conflict resolution process that occurred in Myanmar, but Indonesia has also encountered various kinds of obstacles that ultimately could not immediately solve the problems that occurred in Myanmar. Indonesia needs more affirmation related to international law that is applied in ASEAN member countries and also assistance from various parties to finally be able to actually provide a resolution to create positive peace against the humanitarian conflict that occurred in Myanmar.</p> Anisa Rahma Alvionita Muhammad Fawwaz Syafiq Rizqullah Copyright (c) 2023 OISAA Journal of Indonesia Emas 2023-01-31 2023-01-31 6 1 49 56 10.52162/jie.2023.006.01.6 THE EFFECT OF MULTILAYER PLASTIC WASTE ADDITION TO POLYMER MODIFIED BITUMEN CHARACTERISTICS https://ejournal.ppi.id/index.php/oisaa/article/view/142 <p>Bitumen, one of the main components in manufacturing asphalt, is essential for the growing development of infrastructure in Indonesia. Improving the quality of bitumen and the utilization of multilayer plastic waste is the background of this research. Modified bitumen by adding multilayer plastic waste is called Polymer Modified Bitumen (PMB). This study aimed to determine the effect of adding multilayer plastic waste as a bitumen mixture filler. The method used to mix this material is hot melt mixing. The independent variables used were stirring temperatures of 170, 180, and 190 °C, and the composition of plastic waste is 3, 4, and 5 wt%. The characterizations were FTIR, TGA, contact angle test, and SEM. The results showed that the higher the composition level of multilayer plastic waste, the higher the dispersion properties of the mixture and the lower the thermal stability of the mixture.</p> Calvin S.A.L. Gaol Bambang Priyono M. Chalid Adam Febriyanto Nugraha Copyright (c) 2023 OISAA Journal of Indonesia Emas 2023-01-31 2023-01-31 6 1 57 64 10.52162/jie.2023.006.01.7 MODEL MEMORI MAHASISWA S2 PSIKOLOGI PENDIDIKAN DALAM SIMULASI TERINTEGRASI MEKANISME STIMULUS https://ejournal.ppi.id/index.php/oisaa/article/view/143 <p>Jurnal ini membahas model memori mahasiswa S2 Piskologi Pendidikan dalam simulasi terintegrasi memori psikologi kognitif. Mekanisme ini terlibat dalam konstruksi jejak memori dan munculnya pengetahuan. Model memori kognitif didasarkan pada empat asumsi utama: (1) Jejak memori mencerminkan semua komponen pengalaman masa lalu dan, khususnya, sifat sensoriknya, tindakan yang dilakukan pada objek di lingkungan dan keadaan emosional individu. Jejak memori karena itu didistribusikan di beberapa sistem saraf yang mengkode berbagai komponen pengalaman. (2) Pengetahuan muncul dan merupakan produk dari penggabungan pengalaman sekarang dengan pengalaman masa lalu. (3) Otak adalah sistem kategorisasi yang berkembang dengan mengumpulkan pengalaman dan yang, secara default, menghasilkan pengetahuan kategoris. (4) Munculnya pengetahuan khusus (ingatan atau pengetahuan episodik) membutuhkan mekanisme yang sangat sederhana yang terjadi selama pembelajaran dan/atau selama pengambilan. Asumsi-asumsi ini dipertahankan dan dibahas dalam terang pekerjaan yang dilaporkan dalam literatur.</p> Intan Mestika Tina Hayati Dahlan Copyright (c) 2023 OISAA Journal of Indonesia Emas 2023-01-31 2023-01-31 6 1 65 75 10.52162/jie.2023.006.01.8 STRATEGI KEBIJAKAN GENDER ANALYSIS PATHWAY (GAP) UNTUK MENYELESAIKAN MASALAH SOSIAL BUNUH DIRI DI KABUPATEN GUNUNGKIDUL https://ejournal.ppi.id/index.php/oisaa/article/view/137 <p class="AbstractText" style="margin: 0in 21.25pt .0001pt 21.3pt;"><span lang="EN-GB">Gunungkidul Regency is an area a high number of suicides. The majority of perpetrators of suicide are elderly and male, so it is inversely proportional to several social studies that WHO have been carried out that the perpetrators of suicide are dominated by women and under 70 years of age for the Southeast Asia region. Responding to these phenomena is considered important for a government preventive policy in Gunungkidul through a gender mainstreaming policy approach. The gender policy formulation method chosen is the Gender Analysis Pathway (GAP). The purpose of this study was to describe the causes of the majority of elderly and mal individuals to commit suicide and the GAP policy strategy for preventive efforts in problem of suicide. The writing method used is a literature study with online secondary data. The result is that physical, psychological, and environmental faktor s encourage the elderly to suicide, the masculine culture that is still strong in Gunungkidul encourages men to suicide and GAP can be used as a method in formulating policies for dealing with suicide cases by related institution.</span></p> Intan Nisaaul Chusna Alinda Mega Karismalia Megawati Sukarno Putri Eka Zuni Lusi Astuti Copyright (c) 2022 OISAA Journal of Indonesia Emas 2022-07-06 2022-07-06 6 1 141 147 10.52162/jie.2022.005.02.8 PRODUCTION OF GREEN DIESEL BASED ON PALM FATTY ACID DISTILLATE USING CATALYTIC HYDROGENATION METHOD https://ejournal.ppi.id/index.php/oisaa/article/view/131 <p class="KEYWORDSMaJER" style="text-align: justify; margin: 0in 21.25pt .0001pt .25in;"><span lang="EN-GB" style="font-weight: normal;">Green diesel is an alkane compound that is equivalent to petroleum based diesel oil. One of the ingredients that can be converted into green diesel is Palm Fatty Acid Distillate (PFAD). PFAD is a by-product of the refinery process in the production of cooking oil from Crude Palm Oil (CPO) which has not been widely used. Green diesel is produced using a catalytic hydrogenation process at a temperature of 300<sup>o</sup>C with a hydrogen pressure of 25 psia for 1.0 hour. 300 ml of PFAD is reacted with gas (hydrogen) H<sub>2</sub> using NiMo / Al<sub>2</sub>O<sub>3</sub> catalyst to accelerate the reaction. The variable that is used in this study is the number of catalysts of 0 gr; 0.1114 gr; 0.1507 gr; 0.2009 gr; 0.2541 gr; and 0.3075 gr. The use of a catalyst of 0.2009 grams per 300 ml of sample is the optimum condition in this study and yields a yield percentage of 36.5331%. The physical properties of green diesel obtained from this study include density at 40oC (751.5056 – 816.9221 kg/m3), kinematic viscosity at 40oC (3.6107 – 4.6831 mm2/s), moisture content (11.593 – 17.717 ppm), flash point (65.4 – 91.9<sup>o</sup>C), and heating value (43.2274 – 44.8834 MJ / kg).</span></p> Fithra Malvarinda Adi Syakdani Muhammad Taufik Copyright (c) 2022 OISAA Journal of Indonesia Emas 2022-07-06 2022-07-06 6 1 128 140 10.52162/jie.2022.005.02.7 SIMULATING WATER BALANCE AND CROP YIELD FOR SUGARCANE PLANTATION IN PASURUAN USING AQUACROP MODEL https://ejournal.ppi.id/index.php/oisaa/article/view/130 <p>Sugarcane is one of the estate crops that has been cultivated in Indonesia for a long time. Sugarcane farmers must be more adaptable and adjust their current field management as a result of water shortage caused by climate change. rip irrigation has been one of the prospectus alternatives to be implemented by farmers by altering their furrow irrigation. Before being implemented in the field, the AquaCrop model is useful to simulate the advisability of particular farm management such as irrigation. The AquaCrop model was used to simulate and analyse the water balance, crop yields, and water productivity of sugarcane in Pasuruan under two alternative field managements, i.e. conventional and enhanced practices. Results confirmed that drip irrigation requires less water for irrigation than furrow irrigation. In comparison to no mulching procedures in conventional method, improved field management decreased surface run-off by up to 95%. Farmers obtained higher crop yield and water productivity by shifting the farm management, i.e. 7-8% and 12-16%, respectively. However, there are several constraints on this analysis. Thus, advanced studies on conducting AquaCrop for more realistic conditions are still promising in future.</p> Andre Dani Mawardhi Copyright (c) 2022 OISAA Journal of Indonesia Emas 2022-07-06 2022-07-06 6 1 120 127 10.52162/jie.2022.005.02.6 DINAMIKA PENGAMBILAN KEPUTUSAN PADA PERILAKU BERESIKO (KEHAMILAN TIDAK DIINGINKAN) REMAJA https://ejournal.ppi.id/index.php/oisaa/article/view/127 <p>Unwanted pregnancies that occur outside of marriage in adolescents are problematic because they have wider after-effects academically, financially, and socially. The occurrence of unwanted pregnancy outside of marriage is certainly based on a psychological condition such as decision making at the first time an adolescent engages in risky sexual behavior. This study aims to explore cognitive considerations such as what factors are considered for risky sexual acts and also the cognitive process of risky behavior. The participants in this study were three people consisting of one male and two female who were taken by purposive sampling technique. This study used a qualitative research design with a phenomenological approach, while the data collection techniques used interviews and observations. The results of this study indicate that the factors that cause risky behavior (unwanted pregnancy) are 1) the experience of watching pornographic videos, 2) an environment that is accustomed to promiscuity, and 3) trust and comfort when interacting with partners. While systematic decision-making through several stages does not occur, because the risk behavior of individuals is more dominated by emotional states, memories of previous experiences, and the people around them, so that decision-making is more heuristic.</p> Dwi Nikmah Puspitasari Ayu Dyah Hapsari Hetti Rahmawati Rizky Adi Saputro Copyright (c) 2022 OISAA Journal of Indonesia Emas 2022-07-06 2022-07-06 6 1 111 119 10.52162/jie.2022.005.02.5 PERCEIVED QUALITY OF CARE DURING COVID-19 AT SANJIWANI HOSPITAL GIANYAR, BALI https://ejournal.ppi.id/index.php/oisaa/article/view/126 <p style="font-weight: 400;">COVID-19 has caused a decrease in the number of visits to health care due to restrictions on public activities to reduce local transmission, but the quality of service is essential to be maintained. This study measured and examined factors related to public satisfaction with the inpatient services provided by Sanjiwani Hospital. This research is an observational study with a cross-sectional design. Of the 204 patients were taken using a consecutive sampling technique. Data collection was conducted from October-November 2020. Data collected of social demographic, 41 questions related to public satisfaction, and six aspects of the prevention of COVID-19. Data were analysed in univariate and bivariate analysis using the T-Test and Oneway Anova to determine factors related to the level of public satisfaction. The results showed general satisfaction score is a value of 4.10, meaning that it is in the satisfied category. There is a trend of increasing public satisfaction scores from 2018 to 2020. The factors related to public satisfaction are based on the type of National Health Insurance (JKN) membership the patient uses during treatment. Sanjiwani hospital should consider establishing digital service innovations to make it easier to access health care in the era of COVID-19.</p> Putu Ayu Indrayathi Putu Erma Pradnyani Ni Luh Saptiaryati Luh Putu Sinthya Ulandari Laszlo Robert Kolozsvari Copyright (c) 2022 OISAA Journal of Indonesia Emas 2022-07-06 2022-07-06 6 1 100 110 10.52162/jie.2022.005.02.4 A COMPARATIVE STUDY OF PAPER-BASED MICROFLUIDIC (µPAD) MINIATURIZATION https://ejournal.ppi.id/index.php/oisaa/article/view/125 <p>In recent years, paper-based analytical devices gained more attention for development of low-cost point-of-care diagnostic tools in many fields, such as environmental testing, point of care diagnosis, and food analysis. In the present study, we introduce a new paper substrate (Xuan paper) and compare to commercial filter paper (whatman) with hydrophobic materials called polydimethylsiloxane (PDMS). The xuan paper can be used for paper-based microfluidics analytical devices (μPAD) and that flow rate is reliant on many factors affecting fluid flow inside the channels. The screen-printing method was used to concocted hydrophobic channels by patterning hydrophobic materials onto paper substrate with the patterned channels reaching a minimum width of 0.2 mm and maximum 5 mm. The fabricated channels were tested by using water with different paper types and different channel widths. The experimental results were compared with commercially available filter paper (11 and 21 µm pore size). The results of this study are raw xuan paper (0.15 mm of thickness) is similar trend with filter paper (0.21 mm of thickness) about 43 mm distance in 140 second and it is higher than three other papers. However, jinghe paper (0.13 mm of thickness) and cotton xuan paper (0.10 mm of thickness) shows the distance of water about 10 mm and 4 mm, respectively in 140 second because of their fiber orientation and water being absorbed by it. Therefore, xuan paper was a good candidate in applied for µPAD application.</p> Badril Azhar Faisal Amir Aditya Sukma Nugraha Hakun W. Aparamarta Copyright (c) 2022 OISAA Journal of Indonesia Emas 2022-07-06 2022-07-06 6 1 94 99 10.52162/jie.2022.005.02.3 EKSISTENSI PERAN PERJANJIAN INTERNASIONAL DALAM MASYARAKAT INTERNASIONAL https://ejournal.ppi.id/index.php/oisaa/article/view/124 <p>Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis keberadaan peran perjanjian internasional dalam mengatur hubungan masyarakat internasional dan keberadaannya yang diakui sebagai instrumen yuridis dalam sumber hukum internasional oleh Statuta Mahkamah Internasional Pasal 38 (1), sebagai serta tentang norma hukum yang disepakati oleh komunitas internasional. Penelitian dalam karya tulis ilmiah ini adalah penelitian hukum yuridis normatif yang bersifat kualitatif. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa; 1) substansi perjanjian internasional tidak dapat dipisahkan dari prinsip-prinsip umum, 2) norma hukum yang disepakati oleh masyarakat internasional menjadi episentrum representasi hak dan kewajiban dalam fragmen hukum internasional, 3) masyarakat internasional memiliki kesamaan kesadaran sosial terhadap perjanjian internasional sebagai suatu bentuk kepastian hukum.</p> Ummi A’zizah Zahroh Moch Thariq Shadiqin Copyright (c) 2022 OISAA Journal of Indonesia Emas 2022-07-06 2022-07-06 6 1 87 93 HAPLOTYPE DIVERSITY IN THE PARTIAL CYTOCRHOME B (CYTB) GENE OF WATER MONITOR LIZARDS (Varanus salvator) AT PENINSULAR MALAYSIA: A SHORT COMMUNICATION https://ejournal.ppi.id/index.php/oisaa/article/view/122 <p>Water Monitor (WM) lizard (<em>Varanus salvator</em>) are one of Varanidae family lizard that widely spread at Southeast Asia belonging to Peninsular Malaysia. This research was conducted to observe the halotype diversity in partial mitochondrial Cytochrome b (Cytb) gene (344 bp) of WM lizards at Peninsular Malaysia. A total of seventeen (17) Cytb sequences of WM lizard were collected from NCBI database. Research showed that five (5) haplotypes of Cytb gene were observed in the observed sequences. About 71% of WM lizards from Peninsular Malaysia were classified into Haplotype 3 (Hap.3). Hence, this haplotype was classified as the common ancestral of WM lizard at Penensular Malaysia. The Neutrality test revealed that low allelic frequency in WM lizard can be caused by species expansion. In conclusion, the WM lizards at Peninsular Malaysia consisted of two (2) clades of Clade A (Hap.1 and Hap.2) and Clade B (Hap.3, Hap.4 and Hap.5).</p> Muhammad Kemal Ariq Naufal Ramadhan Widya Pintaka Bayu Putra Copyright (c) 2022 OISAA Journal of Indonesia Emas 2022-07-06 2022-07-06 6 1 82 86 THE EXISTENCE AND ROLE OF LEGAL HIGHER EDUCATION IN LAW ENFORCEMENT DURING THE COVID-19 PANDEMIC IN INDONESIA https://ejournal.ppi.id/index.php/oisaa/article/view/86 <p>The Covid-19 pandemic has made learning in Higher Education carried out at home. This is a challenge in itself for the Higher Education Law, how it can still produce excellent and professional law enforcement human resources even though they are limited. This article aims to see Law Higher Education try to continue to show its existence and role. The type of research in this article is normative juridical law research. The data collection method used in writing scientific papers is carried out using library research, namely by searching for legal materials and social data relevant to the subject matter, which is the study in writing this scientific paper. Law Higher Education made a breakthrough in the form of learning through Microsoft Teams and Zoom applications. Not only that, this official institution tries to continue to hold activities outside of lectures, such as workshops, webinars using the Youtube channel. It's to continue to produce professional law graduates. However, it is undeniable that there are still several obstacles, including mastery of technology, the risk of casualties, and the opportunity to study practical work, which can only be done in student domiciles.</p> Moch Thariq Shadiqin Ummi A'zizah Zahroh Copyright (c) 2022 OISAA Journal of Indonesia Emas 2022-01-15 2022-01-15 6 1 1 6 10.52162/jie.2022.005.01.1 VALIDITY AND RELIABILITY OF LEARNING MOTIVATION INSTRUMENT (I-MABAR) STUDENTS IN ONLINE LEARNING DURING COVID 19 https://ejournal.ppi.id/index.php/oisaa/article/view/87 <p>This article aims to determine the validity of the construction and reliability of a learning motivation instrument (I-MABAR) of students in the time of covid pandemic 19. Researchers used a pilot study on 36 students of Universiti Pendidikan Sultan Idris (UPSI) as a sample to obtain reliability, and three supervisors to obtain validity. Researchers have developed a questionnaire with a google form that contains a total of 24 items. Student learning motivation should be measured to ensure the level of student learning motivation in the learning process in the current Covid-19 dememic. For that, there needs to be a learning motivation instrument that has a good degree of validity and reliability to get the right display of student learning motivation. The findings of the study show that 24 instrument items from the five main constructs of I-MABAR have a very high total item correlation value. However, there are two total instrument items that have a strong correlation value namely items D3 and E1. But all items have an acceptable validity value. While the findings of reliability values ​​using Cronbach Alpha analysis have a very high value. Thus, the validity and reliability of the instrument shows that the student learning motivation instrument (I-MABAR) has a quality that can be used to measure learning motivation.</p> Bachrizal Bakhtiar Copyright (c) 2022 OISAA Journal of Indonesia Emas 2022-01-15 2022-01-15 6 1 7 15 10.52162/jie.2022.005.01.2 ‘FLATTENING’ THE PANDEMIC CURVE: HOW PRACTICING INFORMATION HYGIENE COULD HELP https://ejournal.ppi.id/index.php/oisaa/article/view/88 <p>This study presents an insight of the condition of infodemic in Indonesia and to provide solutions by practicing information hygiene could help in mitigating coronavirus disease (COVID-19) infodemic. Public health agencies and the WHO acknowledge infodemiology as an important new research discipline and vital area of practice during a pandemic. The purpose of this study is to provide insights into how the practice of information hygiene could also tackle the COVID-19 pandemic from the point of view of information science. In order to undertake this research, content analysis method is used with qualitative approach. This study concludes that practicing information hygiene by sanitizing before sharing is needed to overcome misinformation and disinformation.</p> Lazuardyas Zhafran Ligardi Copyright (c) 2022 OISAA Journal of Indonesia Emas 2022-01-15 2022-01-15 6 1 16 21 10.52162/jie.2022.005.01.3 COMMUNICATION EFFECTIVENESS AND IMAGE OF THE NATIONAL AGENCY FOR DISASTER MANAGEMENT (BNPB) IN DISSEMINATING COVID-19 INFORMATION IN INDONESIA https://ejournal.ppi.id/index.php/oisaa/article/view/93 <p>Indonesia is a country that has a fairly high positive number of COVID-19 in the Asian continent.&nbsp; In the context of dealing with the virus, this study aims to examine the effectiveness of the government's public relations performance in delivering messages on handling COVID-19 through BNPB Instagram, namely @bnpb_indonesia and images from BNPB.&nbsp; We use the Social Network Analysis (SNA) analysis method which measures the degree of centrality, closeness centrality and betweenness centrality.&nbsp; This type of descriptive qualitative research and data collection techniques used is the questionnaire method and involves 112 respondents spread across several regions in Indonesia. The results of our research conducted in April 2020 show that BNPB through the @bnpb_indonesia Instagram account has a good image.&nbsp; This can be seen from the survey conducted showing that 92.9% knew about the BNPB instagram, BNPB's performance and completeness of information was ranked first out of 14 other reference instagram accounts regarding information related to COVID-19. Then the effectiveness of BNPB's communication through the @bnpb_indonesia instagram account is considered good, it can be seen from the mapping of networks on social media using the SNA method, the results of degree centrality or key actor @bnpb_Indonesia rank first of 14 information references.&nbsp; Then betweeness Centrality and Eigenvector or the most connected actor is the instagram node @bnpb_indonesia, which is ranked first.</p> Nikmatus Sholikah Saza Azizah Anindyo Copyright (c) 2022 OISAA Journal of Indonesia Emas 2022-01-15 2022-01-15 6 1 22 34 10.52162/jie.2022.005.01.4 SISTEM PENGAMANAN MESIN ATM DENGAN MENGGUNAKAN PENGENALAN SIDIK JARI DAN WAJAH FACE RECOGNITION UNTUK MEMINIMALISIR CYBERBANKING CRIME https://ejournal.ppi.id/index.php/oisaa/article/view/102 <p>Mesin anjungan tunai mandiri (ATM) sangat mudahkan para nasabah perbankan dalam bertransaksi perbankan selama 24 jam tanpa terikat dengan jam operasional kantor bank. Nasabah cukup dengan menggunakan kartu dan memasukan nomor pin pada mesin, nasabah dapat bertransaksi non tunai dan penarikan uang. Tetapi, kelemahan mesin ATM yang menggunakan kartu sangat rawan peretasan. Biasanya, peretasan data nasabah menggunakan alat skimmer yang terpasang pada slot card mesin. Alat skimmer berfungsi&nbsp; untuk mencuri data nasabah termasuk nomor rekening, jumlah saldo dan nomor PIN yang tersimpan pada pita <em>electronic magnetic</em> (berada di bagian belakang kartu). Data nasabah yang terekam dapat digunakan para <em>hacker</em> untuk menngandakan kartu nasabah dan mengambil uang nasabah dengan kartu atm duplikat. Tindakan haker tersebut sangat merugikan nasabah. Oleh sebab itu, diperlukan pengamanan mesin ATM yang bersifat biometric atau melekat pada diri manusia yaitu sidik jari dan wajah. Hal tersebut karena bentuk atau pola sidik jari manusia tidak sama antara satu individu dengan lainnya, begitu juga dengan wajah yang memiliki tingkat akurasi yang tinggi. Metode dalam penelitian terbagi dua yaitu pengumpulan data pendukung melalui studi literature tentang topik terkait dan selanjutnya perancangan grafis<em> prototype</em> mesin ATM dengan menggunakan pengenalan sidik jari dan wajah. Cara operasional yang dilakukan, nasabah melakukan perekaman sidik jari dan wajah ke kantor bank. Selanjutnya, petugas bank menvalidasi dengan data kependudukan yang memuat informasi <em>biometrics </em>nasabah. Jika sudah tervalidasi lalu petugas bank mensikronisasikan dengan rekening nasabah dan proses selesai. Nasabah dapat bertransaksi pada mesin ATM tanpa menggunakan kartu ATM. Cukup melakukan verifikasi sidik jari dan wajah pada mesin adapun output dari penelitian ini untuk meminimilisir tingkat kejahatan <em>cyberbanking.&nbsp; </em></p> Mohamad Arifin Copyright (c) 2022 OISAA Journal of Indonesia Emas 2022-01-15 2022-01-15 6 1 35 42 10.52162/jie.2022.005.01.5 ANTASENA BIOHIDROGEN: GENERATOR BERBASIS LIMBAH KELAPA SAWIT GUNA MENINGKATKAN KERJA SAMA INDONESIA-TIONGKOK DI BIDANG RENEWABLE ENERGY https://ejournal.ppi.id/index.php/oisaa/article/view/106 <p>Minat energi di Indonesia terus meningkat setiap tahun dan diperkirakan mencapai 23% pada tahun 2050. Indonesia memiliki hubungan perdagangan erat dengan Tiongkok khususnya dalam bidang ekspor komoditi unggulan berupa kelapa sawit yang mampu dihasilkan Indonesia sebanyak 48 juta ton/tahun dan menjadi penghasil kelapa sawit terbanyak di dunia. Potensi biomassa dari limbah kelapa sawit seperti <em>Palm Oil Mill Effluent</em> (POME) dihasilkan sebanyak 50% dari sisa ekstrak sebuah kelapa sawit yang mampu menghasilkan hidrogen dan pembangkit listrik hingga 10.000 Watt. Pretreatment pada POME dilakukan untuk menghilangkan bakteri metanasi. Hasilnya digunakan sebagai substrat untuk hidrolisis menggunakan 1M NaOH pada temperatur 80℃. Alat dan bahan yang diperlukan dalam pembuatan Antasena Biohidrogen adalah gas storage, pipa, POME, bioreaktor, dan filter. Dengan menggunakan strategi meta-pemeriksaan, penelitian diselesaikan dengan meninjau jurnal ilmiah dan simulasi menggunakan <em>Solidworks</em> untuk menentukan kesehatan generator, kerangka filtrasi, kekuatan material, dan perubahan tahap dalam gas. Dengan menggunakan bahan POME 18L, Antasena Biohidrogen dapat menghasilkan 10,8L H2/jam. Kemudian diubah menjadi listrik dengan perbandingan 0,699L biohidrogen untuk menghasilkan listrik sebesar 1000 W/h dan diperkirakan mencapai 137.603,43 kWh/tahun. Dari hasil simulasi didapatkan faktor keamanan sebesar 2,4 sehingga aman untuk digunakan. Antasena Biohidrogen dapat menjadi investasi dengan BEP dalam waktu 1 tahun 26 hari, sehingga dapat disimpulkan efektif sebagai energi listrik terbarukan.</p> Ibrahim Fathahillah Hizbul Islam Risa Wahyu Widyastuti Adzon Nugraha Rizky Pratama Agung Purniawan Copyright (c) 2022 OISAA Journal of Indonesia Emas 2022-01-15 2022-01-15 6 1 43 56 10.52162/jie.2022.005.01.6 PENGARUH PEMBERIAN EKSTRAK CIPLUKAN (Physalis angulata L.) TERHADAP JUMLAH FIBROBLAS PADA IMIQUIMOD-IN DUCED PSORIASIS MICE MODEL https://ejournal.ppi.id/index.php/oisaa/article/view/120 <p>Imiquimod menginduksi terjadinya aktivasi sel Th17 dan sel dendritik yang berperan dalam terjadinya psoriasis. Ekstrak ciplukan ( <em>Physalis angulata </em>L.) mengandung senyawa steroid, flavonoid, alkaloid, dan saponin seperti Physalin B, Physalin F, Physalin G yang memiliki aktivitas antiinflamasi dalam patofisiologi psoriasis. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian eksperimental dengan <em>post test only with control group design</em>. Tiga puluh lima ekor mencit betina dibagi dalam 7 kelompok. Kelompok A: kontrol negatif, kelompok B: kontrol positif, kelompok C yang diinduksi imiquimod dan diberikan ekstrak ciplukan 400 mg/kgBB selama 7 hari, kelompok D yang diinduksi imiquimod dan diberikan ekstrak ciplukan 800 mg/kgBB selama 7 hari , kelompok E yang diinduksi imiquimod dan diberikan ekstrak ciplukan 1.200 mg/kgBB selama 7 hari, kelompok F yang diinduksi imiquimod dan diberikan methotreksat 1 mg/kgBB selama 7 hari, dan kelompok G yang diinduksi imiquimod dan diberikan kombinasi ekstrak ciplukan 1.200 mg/kgBB dan methotreksat 1mg/kgBB selama 7 hari. Jumlah sel fibroblas dihitung pada hari ke lima belas dengan mengambil sampel kulit mencit dan dilakukan pembuatan preparat histologi kemudian dihitung secara manual menggunakan mikroskop. Rerata jumlah sel fibroblas pada kelompok A,B,C,D,E,F,dan G masing- masing adalah 21,6±2,3; 39,2±5,5; 30,6±1,3; 24,0±2,8; 24,8± 2,9; 28,4±3,0;28,2±3,2. Hasil uji <em>One Way </em>ANOVA menunjukkan nilai p=0,000(p&lt;0,05) sehzingga menunjukkan hasil signifikan.</p> Irse Priyaganda Bani Musa Thianti Sylviningrum Dody Novrial Muhamad Salman Copyright (c) 2022 OISAA Journal of Indonesia Emas 2022-01-15 2022-01-15 6 1 57 65 10.52162/jie.2022.005.01.7 PERFORMANCE AND FORECAST OF INDONESIAN RUBBER EXPORTS TO THE CENTRAL EUROPEAN COUNTRIES https://ejournal.ppi.id/index.php/oisaa/article/view/121 <p>The price and consumption of rubber experienced a decline due to the global economic crisis, the US-China trade war, and coronavirus. This situation is unprofitable for Indonesia, and it must develop new target markets. Central Europe is one of the potential markets for Indonesian rubber. This study aims to ascertain the performance of the Indonesian rubber exports to Central European countries and forecast its future. The research used Indonesian rubber export data to Hungary, Poland, and Romania from January 1999 to March 2021. Descriptive statistics and autoregressive integrated moving averages were used to analyze the data. In the last three decades, Indonesian rubber exports to Central Europe have risen. The short-term forecasting indicates that Indonesian rubber exports to Poland will increase; on the other hand, exports to Romania will experience a decline. Meanwhile, exports to Hungary were relatively stable. This result was obtained using ARIMA estimation with different models for each country, respectively ARIMA(1,0,5) in Poland, ARIMA(2,0,1) in Romania, and ARIMA(2,0,1) in Hungary.</p> Agus Dwi Nugroho Imade Yoga Prasada Zoltan Lakner Copyright (c) 2022 OISAA Journal of Indonesia Emas 2022-01-15 2022-01-15 6 1 66 81 10.52162/jie.2022.005.01.8 POWER SHIFTING AND THE CHALLENGES OF PRESIDENTIAL SYSTEM IN INDONESIA (1945-2019) https://ejournal.ppi.id/index.php/oisaa/article/view/91 <p>The dynamics of government system in Indonesia has a long way road since Indonesia secure their independence in 1945. Acco rding to Indonesia constitution, Indonesia adhere the presidential system. Yet, in practice the government system in Indonesia seems more like a Parliamentary system. During the period of 1945-1959, The presidential system in Indonesia doesn’t have any places to operate, entered the guided democracy era, the presidential system obtain its first place. Seeing that, the president success to obtain their power and became a dictator, after Sukarno was remove from the office, Indonesia entered the “new order” regime. This regime just like guided democracy era, the President became center of the power because president was choosed by the parliament and most the fellow comes from the party government. After <em>reformasi </em>in 1998, the presidential system has their own challenges. Considering, the multyparty system felt is not compatible with the presidential system. Hence, as long as Indonesia established, the presidential system in Indonesia has their own dynamic and challenges. Every regime has their own dynamic and challenges. This article aims&nbsp; to provide a study to strengthen the presidential system and using a qualitative approach based on a comprehensive literature review.</p> Dara Purnama Muhammad Naufal Kamal Muntaha Ahmad Copyright (c) 2021 OISAA Journal of Indonesia Emas 2021-07-24 2021-07-24 6 1 77 87 10.52162/jie.2021.004.02.7