• Muhammad Aziz Ali Mutia Badan Kooedinasi Penanaman Modal
  • Ayatun Nurjanah Badan Kooedinasi Penanaman Modal
Keywords: Green Energy, Kelistrikan, Iklim Investasi, Foreign Direct Investment (FDI), Electricity, Investment Attractiveness


Pemerintah telah merumuskan Kebijakan Energi Nasional (KEN) dengan fokus pengembangan energi baru
terbarukan (EBT) untuk mengantisipasi habisnya sumber energi fosil di masa mendatang. Dalam
implementasinya, pemerintah menghadapi kendala baik dari segi anggaran maupun teknologi yang dimiliki.
Pendanaan dari swasta terutama dalam bentuk Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) sangat diperlukan. Penelitian ini
bertujuan untuk melihat sejauh mana daya tarik investasi di sektor kelistrikan berbasis EBT. Metode penelitian
yang digunakan menitikberatkan pada studi literatur berupa analisis terhadap kebijakan pemerintah dalam
menciptakan iklim investasi bidang green energy sektor kelistrikan. Berdasarkan hasil analisis dapat disimpulkan
bahwa iklim investasi saat ini masih belum mampu mendorong implementasi green energy di Indonesia. Hal ini
terbukti dari skor RECAI Indonesia yang masih rendah (peringkat ke-36 dari 40 negara yang disurvei). Beberapa
kebijakan pemerintah telah mendukung iklim investasi di sektor green energy diantaranya terkait keterbukaan
kepemilikan modal asing hingga 100%, fasilitas tax allowance dan tax holiday untuk investasi di sektor green
energy. Akan tetapi, terdapat pula beberapa kebijakan yang perlu dirumuskan kembali seperti kebijakan
penentuan harga beli produk energi kepada para investor dan kebijakan mekanisme bagi Pengembang
Pembangkit Listrik (PPL) dengan sistem pemilihan langsung yang dinilai masih belum efisien sehingga menjadi
kendala pelaksanaan investasi di sektor green energi.


Indonesian government has formulated a National Energy Grand Policy which is focused on renewable
energy/green energy development to anticipate the run-out of the finite reserve of fossil energy resources. There
are two major challenges faced by the government on implementing this policy which are the advanced technology
required and the budget constraint. Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) becomes a potential solution yet the
performance of FDI realization in green energy sector these past years is still under national target. The objective
of this research was to analyse Indonesia’s investment attractiveness specifically on green energy-based
electricity sector. The method used on this research was literature study focusing on the government policies that
affected Indonesia’s investment climate on that particular sector. Based on the analysis result, these policies in
general haven’t been able to elevate investment atrractiveness proven by Indonesia’s RECAI rank that is fairly low
(the 36th out of total 40 assessed countries). Although the government has implemented several policies such as:
liberation on foreign capital owners up to 100%, tax allowance and tax holiday for green energy sector, some other
fundamental policies i.e. the pricing formulation and the purchasing mechanism in fact are potentially harmful for
the investors. Moreover the frequently changed and, at some cases, lack of consistency, regulations often seen
as a major barrier by investor specifically on the big scale investment.

How to Cite
Mutia, M. A. A., & Nurjanah, A. (2019). EVALUASI KEBIJAKAN INDONESIA: PENINGKATAN INVESTASI ASING DI SEKTOR KELISTRIKAN BERBASIS GREEN ENERGY. OISAA Journal of Indonesia Emas, 2(1), 32-38. Retrieved from https://ejournal.ppi.id/index.php/oisaa/article/view/39