• Fithra Malvarinda Universitas Muhammadiyah Palembang
  • Muhammad Arief Karim Universitas Muhammadiyah Palembang
  • Mardwita Mardwita Universitas Muhammadiyah Palembang
Keywords: biogas, cow dung, sour water, time fermentation


Liquid waste can cause environmental pollution. Therefore, industrial wastewater must be treated properly so as not to exceed the quality standard limits set by the government. One type of liquid waste is sour water from Pertamina RU III. In addition to waste problems, fossil energy reserves are increasingly depleting so that they require renewable energy reserves, one of which is biogas to produce methane gas. This research will analyze the effect of fermentation time on the quality and quantity of biogas obtained. The quantity of biogas includes the volume of gas produced, while the quality of biogas includes the content of methane gas, pH, CaCO3, total solid, and volatile solid. Biogas has 4 process stages, including hydrolysis, acidogenesis, acetogenesis, and methanogenesis. From this study it was concluded that the longer the fermentation time, the gas volume, methane content, and carbon dioxide content increased, microbial activity in this study only reached its peak phase on day 50, so it had not yet reached the decline or death phase. The hydrolysis stage took place on days 0-10, the acidogenesis stage took place on days 10-20, the acetogenesis stage took place on days 20-30, and the methanogenesis stage took place on days 30-50.


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How to Cite
Malvarinda, F., Karim, M. A., & Mardwita, M. (2023). THE EFFECT OF FERMENTATION TIME TO BIOGAS PRODUCTION FROM COW DUNG AND SOUR WATER. OISAA Journal of Indonesia Emas, 6(1), 20-32.