
The I3S 2022 choose the topic of “Strategies towards Sustainable Life and Global Challenges” which covers three sub-topics:

  1. Sustainable Environment and Economic Growth
  2. Smart and Sustainable Innovation
  3. Healthy Life Style and Well-being.

All abstract must be original and not simultaneously submitted to another journal or conference. The following abstract categories are welcome:

  1.  Culture and Social Study
  2. Economics, Management, and Business
  3. Electronics, Automatic Control
  4. Computer Science and Information Technology
  5. Material and Manufacture
  6. Education and Linguistic
  7. Infrastructure and Disater Management
  8. Renewable Energy and Climate Change
  9. Environment and Sustainable Development
  10. Agriculture and Agribusiness
  11. Public Health and Medicine
  12. Marine and Fisheries
  13. Applied Chemistry and Pharmacy
  14. Law and Policy